Distributions, partial differential equations, and harmonic analysis /

Mitrea, Dorina, 1965-

Distributions, partial differential equations, and harmonic analysis / Dorina Mitrea. - xxi, 460 pages ; 24 cm. - Universitext, . - Universitext. .

Includes bibliographical references (pages 449-453) and index.

Weak Derivatives -- The Space D′(Ω) of Distributions -- The Schwartz Space and the Fourier Transform -- The Space of Tempered Distributions -- The Concept of a Fundamental Solution

​The theory of distributions constitutes an essential tool in the study of partial differential equations. This textbook would offer, in a concise, largely self-contained form, a rapid introduction to the theory of distributions and its applications to partial differential equations, including computing fundamental solutions for the most basic differential operators: the Laplace, heat, wave, Lam\'e and Schrodinger operators.​


Theory of distributions (Functional analysis)
Teoría de las distribuciones (análisis funcional)
Differential equations, Partial
Ecuaciones diferenciales, Parciales
Harmonic analysis.
Análisis armónico




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