Hamiltonian structures and generating families /

Benenti, Sergio.

Hamiltonian structures and generating families / Sergio Benenti. - New York : Springer, c2011. - xiv, 258 pages : illustrations. ; 24 cm. - Universitext. .

Basic Notions of Calculus on Manifolds -- Relations -- Symplectic Relations on Symplectic Manifolds -- Symplectic Relations on Cotangent Bundles -- Canonical Lift on Cotangent Bundles -- The Geometry of the Hamilton–Jacobi Equation -- Hamiltonian Optics in Euclidean Spaces -- Control of Static Systems -- Supplementary Topics -- Global Hamilton Principal Functions on S2 and H2

his book is an enhanced version of an earlier Russian edition. Besides thorough revisions, more emphasis was put on reordering the topics according to a category-theoretical view. This allows the mathematical results to be stated, proved, and understood in a much easier and elegant way.


Hamiltonian systems.
Geometría Sympléctica.
Symplectic geometry.
Symplectic manifolds.
Colectores Symplectic.




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