Advanced computing /

Advanced computing / edited by Michael Bader, Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Tobias Weinzierl - 240 pages 16 x 24 cm - Lecture notes in computational science and engineering 93 .

A review of the finite cell method for nonlinear structual analysis of complex CAD and image-based geometric models -- Immersed boundary methods for fluid in porous media: some problems from micro to macro scale -- Optimal control of partially miscible two-phase flow with applications to subcurface CO2 sequestration -- A Newton-CG method for full-waveform inversión in a coupled soild-fluid system -- Advances in the parallelisation of software for quantum chemistry applications -- Designing spacecraft high perfomance computing architectures -- Requirements engineering for computational seismology software -- A high-performance interacrtive computing framework for engieering applications -- A Framework for the interactive handing of high-dimensional simulation data in complex geometries -- Experiences with a flexibly reconfigurable visualization system on software development and workplace ergonomics

The articles address the increasing gap between what should be possible in Computational Science and Engineering due to recent advances in algorithms, hardware, and networks, and what can actually be achieved in practice; they also examine novel computing architectures, where computation itself is a multifaceted process, with hardware awareness or ubiquitous parallelism due to many-core systems being just two of the challenges faced


Computer science
Software engineering
Computer simulation
Electronic data processing




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