Apache 2 pocket reference /

Ford, Andrew 1957 -

Apache 2 pocket reference / Andrew Ford. - First edition - x, 107 pages ; 18 cm.

Includes index.

Chapter 1: Introduction -- Chapter 2: Server Environment -- Chapter 3: URL Mapping -- Chapter 4: Access Controls -- Chapter 5: Document Metainformation -- Chapter 6: Content Handlers -- Chapter 7: Filters -- Chapter 8: Caching -- Chapter 9: Proxying -- Chapter 10: SSL/TLS Support -- Chapter 11: Logging.

Even if you know the Apache web server inside and out, you still need an occasional on-the-job reminder -- especially if you're moving to the newer Apache 2.x. Apache 2 Pocket Reference gives you exactly what you need to get the job done without forcing you to plow through a cumbersome, doorstop-sized reference. This Book provides essential information to help you configure and maintain the server quickly, with brief explanations that get directly to the point. It covers Apache 2.x, giving web masters, web administrators, and programmers a quick and easy reference solution. This pocket reference includes: Summaries of command-line options, configuration directives, and modules Key information about Apache support utilities What you need to know about URL rewriting, filters, caching, proxying and security Whether you manage huge e-commerce operations, corporate intranets, or small personal websites, Apache 2 Pocket Reference is ideal for savvy administrators who no longer need detailed tutorials and just want a convenient, on-the-job reference.

9780596518882 (pbk.)


Apache (Computer file : Apache Group)--Handbooks, manuals, etc.

Web servers--Computer programs--Handbooks, manuals, etc.

TK5105.8885.A63 / F67 2000




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