Using SVG with CSS3 and HTML5 :

Bellamy-Royds, Amelia

Using SVG with CSS3 and HTML5 : vector graphics for web design / Amelia Bellamy-Royds, Kurt Cagle and Dudley Storey. - First Edition - xxi, 818 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 23 cm.

Part 1. SVG on the Web; 1. Graphics from Vectors; 2. The Big Picture; 3. A sense of Style; 4. Tools of the Trade -- Part 2. Drawing with Markup; 5. Building Blocks; 6. Following Your Own Path; 7. The Art of the World -- Part 3. Putting Graphics in Their Place; 8. Scaling Up; 9. A New Point of View; 10. Seeing Double; 11. Transformative Changes -- Part 4. Artistic touches; 12. Filling Up to Full; 13. Drawing the Lines; 14. Marking the Way; 15. Less is More; 16. Playing with Pixels -- Part 5. SVG as an Application; 17. Beyond the Visible; 18. Drawing on Demand; 19. Transitioning in Time; 20. Good Manners.

Using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for illustrations only scratches the surface of this format's potential on the web. With this practical guide, you'll learn how to use SVG not only for illustrations but also as graphical documents that you can integrate into complex HTML5 web pages, and style with custom CSS. Web developers will discover ways to adapt designs by adding data based graphics, dynamic styles, interaction, or animation.

9781491921975 (pbk.)

Web site development
Cascading style sheets.
HTML (Document markup language)
JavaScript (Computer program language)
SVG (Document markup language)




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