A primer of ecological statistics /

Gotelli, Nicholas J. 1959-

A primer of ecological statistics / Nicholas J. Gotelli, University of Vermont, Aaron M. Ellison, Harvard University. - Second edition - xxi, 614 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.

includes index.

Includes bibliographical references.

Ch. 1. An introduction to probability -- Ch. 2. Random variables and probability distributions -- Ch. 3. Summary statistics: measures of location and spread -- Ch. 4. Framing and testing hypotheses -- Ch. 5. Three frameworks for statistical analysis -- Ch. 6. Designing successful field studies -- Ch. 7. A bestiary of experimental and sampling designs -- Ch. 8. Managing and curating data -- Ch. 9. Regression -- Ch. 10. The analysis of variance -- Ch. 11. The analysis of categorical data -- Ch. 12. The analysis of multivariate data -- Ch. 13. The measurement of biodiversity -- Ch. 14. Detecting populations and estimating their size -- Appendix.

A Primer of Ecological Statistics, Second Edition, explains fundamental material in probability theory, experimental design, and parameter estimation for ecologists and environmental scientists. The book emphasizes a general introduction to probability theory and provides a detailed discussion of specific designs and analyses that are typically encountered in ecology and environmental science. Appropriate for use as either a stand-alone or supplementary text for upper-division undergraduate or graduate courses in ecological and environmental statistics, ecology, environmental science, environmental studies, or experimental design, the Primer also serves as a resource for environmental professionals who need to use and interpret statistics daily but have little or no formal training in the subject.

9781605350646 (pbk.)


Ecology--Statistical methods
Ecología--Métodos estadísticos

QH541.15.S72 / G68 2013




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