Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador /

Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador / edited by Erwin Beck, Jörg Bendix, Ingrid Kottke, Franz Makeschin, Reinhard Mosandl. - First Edition - xxiii, 525 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. - Ecological studies 198 0070-8356 ; .

Part 1. Introduction -- Part 2. Gradients in ecosystem analysis -- Part 3. The altitudinal gradient -- Part 4. Gradients of disturbance -- Part 5. Gradients of regeneration -- Part 6. Synopsis.

A tropical mountain ecosystem in one of the "hottest" biodiversity hotspots worldwide was investigated by some 30 research teams of numerous disciplines in the natural and social sciences. Ecosystem analysis followed two gradients: an altitudinal gradient and a gradient of land-use intensity and ecosystem regeneration, respectively. This volume addresses a multitude of ecologically relevant aspects: macro- and microclimate; physics, chemistry and biology of soils; water relations, matter turnover and nutrient availability; plant growth and biomass partitioning; floral composition and plant life forms; vegetation structure and dynamics; organismic interactions, diversity and population biology of birds, moths and microarthropods; forest management, and reforestation with indigenous species; ethnobotanical and social aspects. New hypotheses are presented with regard to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, as well as sustainable management of an ecosystem in a biodiversity hotspot.

9783642092664 9783540735267

Mountain ecology
Rain forest ecology
Sustainable development
Biodiversity conservation
Ecología de montaña
Ecología de la selva tropical
Desarrollo sostenible
Conservación de la biodiversidad




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