Introduction to plant physiology /

Hopkins, William G.

Introduction to plant physiology / William G. Hopkins and Norman P. A. Hüner. - Fourth edition - xviii, 503 pages : illustrations (some colours) 29 cm.

Includes index.

Plant cells and water -- Whole plant water relations -- Roots, soils, and nutrient uptake -- Plants and inorganic nutrients -- Bioenergetics and ATP synthesis -- The dual role of sunlight: energy and information -- Energy conservation in photosynthesis: harvesting sunlight -- Energy conservation in photosynthesis: CO2 assimilation -- Allocation, translocation, and partitioning of photoassimilates -- Cellular respiration: unlocking the energy stored in photoassimilates -- Nitrogen assimilation -- Carbon and nitrogen assimilation and plant productivity -- Responses of plants to environmental stress -- Acclimation to environmental stress -- Adaptations to the environment -- Development: an overview -- Growth and development of cells -- Hormones I: Auxins -- Hormones II: Gibberellins -- Hormones III: Cytokinins -- Hormones IV: Abscisic acid, ethylene, and brassinosteroids -- Photomorphogenesis: responding to light -- Tropisms and nastic movements: orienting plants in space -- Measuring time: controlling development by photoperiod and endogenous clocks -- Flowering and fruit development -- Temperature: plant development and distribution -- Secondary metabolism.

ntroduction to Plant Physiology became the best-selling first edition plant physiology text of the 1990's! Now, we're building on the success of prior editions to provide an even more effective fourth edition. Plant Physiology has been praised for its excellent balance of traditional and modern topics, presented in a straightforward style, without overwhelming undergraduates with excessive detail. Its focus is on the ideas and experimental approaches in plant physiology. This is a one-semester course. It assumes that the student has had introductory biology or botany as a pre-requisite.



Plant physiology
Fisiología vegetal

QK711.2 / .H67 2008


QK711.2 / .H67 2008



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