Biomechanics for dummies /

McCaw, Steven Thomas, 1956-

Biomechanics for dummies / by Steven T. McCaw, PhD. - First Edition - xiv, 382 pages : illustrations, charts ; 24 cm. - For dummies . - For dummies. .

Includes index.

Getting Started with Biomechanics -- Jumping Into Biomechanics -- Reviewing the Math You Need for Biomechanics -- Speaking the Language of Biomechanics -- Looking At Linear Mechanics -- Making Motion Change: Force-- Describing Linear Motion: Linear Kinematics -- Causing Linear Motion: Linear Kinetics -- Looking At Force and Motion Another Way: Work, Energy, and Power-- Investigating Angular Mechanics-- Twisting and Turning: Torques and Moments of Force -- Angling into Rotation: Angular Kinematics -- Causing Angular Motion: Angular Kinetics -- Fluid Mechanics -- Analyzing the “Bio” of Biomechanics -- Stressing and Straining: The Mechanics of Materials -- Boning Up on Skeletal Biomechanics -- Touching a Nerve: Neural Considerations in Biomechanics -- Muscling Segments Around: Muscle Biomechanics -- Applying Biomechanics -- Eyeballing Performance: Qualitative Analysis -- Putting a Number on Performance: Quantitative Analysis -- Furthering Biomechanics: Research Applications -- Investigating Forensic Biomechanics: How Did It Happen? -- The Parts of Tens -- Ten Online Resources for Biomechanics -- Ten Things You May Not Know about Biomechanics -- Ten Ways to Succeed in Your Biomechanics Course.

At once a basic and applied science, biomechanics focuses on the mechanical cause-effect relationships that determine the motions of living organisms. Biomechanics for Dummies examines the relationship between biological and mechanical worlds. It clarifies a vital topic for students of biomechanics who work in a variety of fields, including biological sciences, exercise and sports science, health sciences, ergonomics and human factors, and engineering and applied science.



GBB408378 bnb

016608795 Uk

Biomechanical Phenomena
Fenómenos biomecánicos

QH513 / .M382 2014


QT 34.5 / M123b 2014



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