Introduction to volcanic seismology /

Zobin, Vyacheslav M.

Introduction to volcanic seismology / Vyacheslav M. Zobin. - Third Edition. - xxi, 559 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 519-546) and index.

Seismicity at volcanoes -- Fundamentals of volcanic seismology -- Origin of volcano-tectonic earthquakes -- Volcano-textonic earthquake of basaltic volcanoes : case studies -- Volcano-tectonic earthquake at andesitic volcanoes : case studies -- Volcano-tectonic earthquakes at dacitic volcanoes : case studies -- General properties of volcano-tectonic earthquake swarms -- Source properties of volcano-tectnoic earthquakes -- Significant volcano-tectonic earthquakes and their role in volcanic processes -- Origin of eruption earthquakes -- Volcanic tremor -- Seismic signals associated wtih pyroclastic flows, rockfalls, and lahars -- Seismic signals associated with volcanic explosions -- Long-period and very-long-period seismic signals at volcanoes -- Swarms of microearthquakes associated with effusive and explosive activity at volcanoes -- Acoustic wabes generated by volcanic eruptions -- Seismic monitoring of volcanic actibity and forecasting of volcanic eruptions -- Seismic activity of dormant volcanic structures : a problem of failed eruption -- The seismic signals associated with the natural seismicity of geothermal structures within volcanic environment.

"Introduction to volcanic seismology, Third Edition covers all aspects of volcano seismology, specifically focusing on recent studies and developments. This new edition expands on the historical aspects, including updated information on how volcanic seismology was handled in the past (instrumentation, processing techniques, number of observatories worldwide) that is compared to present day tactics. Updated case studies can be found throughout the book, providing information from the most studied volcanoes in the world, including those in Iceland. Additional features include descriptions of analog experiments, seismic networks, both permanent and temporal, and the link between volcanoes, plate tectonics, and mantle plumes. Beginning with an introduction to the history of volcanic seismology, the book then discusses models developed for the study of the origin of volcanic earthquakes of both a volcano-tectonic and eruption nature. In addition, the book covers a variety of topics from the different aspects of volcano-tectonic activity, the seismic events associated with the surface manifestations of volcanic activity, descriptions of eruption earthquakes, volcanic tremor, seismic noise of pyroclastic flows, explosion earthquakes, and the mitigation of volcanic hazards"--Publisher's website.



Volcanism--Remote sensing
Volcanic activity prediction
Predicción de actividad volcánica

QE521 / .Z65 2017




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