Modeling and control of complex systems /

Modeling and control of complex systems / edited by Petros A. Ioannou, Andreas Pitsillides. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, c2008. - 522 pages., 12 pages of plates : illustrations. (some colors.) ; 16 x 25 cm. - Automation and control engineering 26 .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introductión to modeling and control of complex systems -- Control of complex systems using neutral networks -- Modeling and control problems in building structures and bridges -- Model-free adaptive dynamic programming algorithms for H-Infinity control of complex linear systems -- Optimization and distributed control for fair data gathering in Wireless sensor networks -- Optimization problems in the deployment of sensor networks -- Congestion control in computer networks -- Persistent autonomous formations and cohesive motion control -- Modeling and control of unmnned aerial vehicles: current status and future directions -- A framework for lange-scale multi-robot teams -- Modeling and control in cáncer Genomics -- Modeling and estimation problems in the visuomotor pathway -- Modeling simulation. and control of transportation systems -- Bachstepping controllers for stabilization of turbulent flow PDEs -- An approach to home automation by means of MAS theory -- Multi-robot social group-based search algorithms.

Modeling and Control of Complex Systems brings together a number of research experts to present some of their latest approaches and future research directions in a language accessible to system theorists. Contributors discuss complex systems such as networks for modeling and control of civil structures, vehicles, robots, biomedical systems, fluid flow systems, and home automation systems

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System theory--Mathematical models.
System analysis--Mathematical models.
Teoría de sistemas--Modelos matemáticos
Análisis de sistemas --Modelos matemáticos




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