Tools for structured and object-oriented design : an introduction to programming logic /

Bohl, Marilyn

Tools for structured and object-oriented design : an introduction to programming logic / Marilyn Bohl and Maria Rynn. - Seventh edition - Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall, c2008. - xv, 381 pages: illustrations ; 28 cm.

Part One. STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS -- 1. Introduction to Structured Design -- 2. SIMPLE SEQUENCE Control Structure -- 3. IFTHENELSE Control Structure -- 4. DOWHILE Control Structure-Counter-Controlled Loops -- 5. DOWHILE Control Structure-Trailer Record Logic -- 6. Modularization -- 7. CASE Control Structure -- 8. DOUNTIL Control Structure -- 9. Introduction to Arrays -- Part Two. OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS -- 10. Introduction to Object-Oriented Design -- 11. Inheritance -- 12. Other Class and Object Relationships -- Part Three. APPLICATIONS -- 13. Array Applications -- 14. Master File Update Processing -- 15. Control-Break Processing -- Appendix A: Program Flowcharting Symbols -- Appendix B: Structured-Programming Control Structures -- Index.

"The authors' objective is to analyze a problem and express its solution in such a way that the computer can be directed to follow the problem-solving procedure. Emphasis is placed on maintaining an overall structure in program design, and pseudo-code is shown as an alternative or supplement to flow-charting. Analyzing techniques of top-down modular program development fosters the reader's inquisitiveness." "A new chapter, "Object-Oriented Programming Concepts," was added. Also, enrichment sections containing examples and problems in Basic and Visual Basic help make this book one that readers will retain in their libraries for years."

9780131194458 0131194453


Structured programming
Programación estructurada
Object-oriented programming (Computer science)
Programación orientada a objetos (Computadores)




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