Development and implementation of a universal quantum simulator using the Qiskit platform /

Cofre Caiza, Gabriel Alexander

Development and implementation of a universal quantum simulator using the Qiskit platform / Gabriel Cofre ; tutor Marco Guevara - 68 hojas : ilustraciones (algunas a color) ; 30 cm + 1 CD-ROM

Trabajo de integración curricular

Incluye referencias bibliográficas (páginas 47-50)

Trabajo de integración curricular con acceso abierto

Texto (Hypertexto links)

Quantum Computers are of great interest for understanding quantum systems due to their advantages in tackling problems that classical computers could not because of their computational differences. Thus, one of the most promising research lines within this field is quantum simulation. In this thesis work, we develop and implement a Universal Quantum Simulator (UQS) in the Qiskit platform capable of implementing the quantum circuit of any physical system, which is represented as a sum of local contribution potentials. To test the feasibility of the UQS, we have implemented two well-studied physical systems: Quantum Harmonic Oscillator and the Double Well Potential; and compared their final circuit implementation, state evolution, and circuit depth with previous research work. All these systems were executed by the state vector simulator, noiseless simulator, and then run by real quantum computers: ibmq-quito and ibmq-lima, provided by IBM-Q. The experimental state positions obtained from real quantum chips were compared with the noiseless simulator to verify the states' fidelities using the classical definition. As a result, we obtained that due to the Walsh Functions approximation, Trotterization process, and experimental coherence time of each gate, there exists a considerable amount of noise that does not allow us to notice the system evolution as in the noiseless simulator.

Textos en inglés con resúmenes en español e inglés

Quantum computing
Quantum simulation
Física--Trabajos y disertaciones académicas



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