Aquatic biota of Mexico, Central America and the West Indies : being a compilation of taxonomic bibliographies for the fauna and flora of inland waters of Mesoamerica and the Caribbean region /

Aquatic biota of Mexico, Central America and the West Indies : being a compilation of taxonomic bibliographies for the fauna and flora of inland waters of Mesoamerica and the Caribbean region / Stuart H. Hurlbert and Alejandro Villalobos Figueroa (editors). - First Edition. - xv, 529 pages : tables, figures ; 27 cm.

Bacteria -- Fungi -- Myxophyceae -- Bacillariophyceae -- Algae -- Bryophyta -- Tracheophyta -- Zoomastigina -- Sarcodina -- Ciliophara -- Porifera -- Cnidaria -- Monogenea -- Trematoda -- Cestoda -- Nematoda -- Acanthocephala -- Gordioidea -- Gastrotricha -- Rotifera -- Entoprocta and ectoprocta -- Tardigrada -- Polychaeta -- Oligochaeta -- Hirudinea -- Pentastomida -- Anostraca -- Cladocera -- Ostracoda -- Copepoda -- Branchiura -- Syncarida -- Mysidacea -- Tanaidacea -- Isopoda -- Amphipoda -- Decapoda -- Collembola -- Ephemeroptera -- Odonata -- Plecoptera -- Neuroptera -- Orthoptera -- Hemiptera -- Genera introduction -- Ochteridae -- Gelastocoridea -- Naucoridea -- Belostomatildae -- Nepidae -- Pleidae -- Notonectidae -- Corixidae -- Mesoveliidae -- Macroveliidae -- Hydrometridae -- Hebridae -- Veliidae -- Gerridae -- Hermatobatidae -- Saldidae -- Coleoptera -- General introduction -- Dytiscidae -- Noteridae -- Haliphidae -- Gyrinidae -- Hydrophilidae -- Hydraenidae -- Elmidae -- Dryopidae -- Limnichidae -- Psephenidae – Heteroceridae -- Lepiceridae -- Hydroscaphidae -- Sphaeridae -- Ptilodactylidae -- Scirtidae -- Chrysomelidae -- Curculionidae -- Trichptera -- Lepidoptera -- Diptera -- General introduction -- Tipulidae -- Psychoididae -- Culicidae -- Dixidae -- Chaoboridae -- Chrinomidae -- Ceratopogonidae -- Simuliidae -- Blephariceridae -- Stratiomydae and arthericidae -- Tabanidae -- Empididae -- Dolichopodidae -- Syrphidae -- Muscidae -- Sciomyzidae -- Ephydridae -- Acari -- Mollusca -- Pisces -- Amphibia -- Reptilia -- Aves -- Mammalia.

Freshwater biology
Freshwater organisms
Freshwater plants--Classification
Biología de agua dulce
Organismos de agua dulce
Plantas de agua dulce--Clasificación




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