Evolution and modification of behavior /

Lorenz, Konrad

Evolution and modification of behavior / Konrad Lorenz. - First Edition - 121 pages ; 21 cm.

Includes summary (pages 101-109), author index (pages 117-118) and subject index (pages 119-121).

Includes references (pages 111-115).

1 Introduction -- 2 Theoretical attitudes toward the concept of the "Innate" -- 3 Critique of the first behavioristic argument -- 4 Critique of the second behavioristic argument -- 5 Critique of the modern ethologists attitude -- 6 Critique of the earlier ethologists attitude -- 7 The value and the limitations of the deprivation experiment -- 8 Summary.


Behavior evolution
Behavior genetics
Human behavior
Genetic psychology
Evolución del comportamiento
Genética del comportamiento
Comportamiento humano
Psicología genética




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