Conservation biology : the science of scarcity and diversity /

Conservation biology : the science of scarcity and diversity / Edited by Michael E. Soulé - First Edition - xiii, 584 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.

Includes index (pages 571-584).

Includes literature cited (pages 521-570).

1 Conservation biology and the "real world" / Michael E Soulé -- Section II. The fitness and viability of populations -- 2 Minimum viable populations: processes of species extinction / Michael E. Gilpin and Michael E. Soulé -- 3 Inbreeding in natural populations of birds and mammals / Katherine Ralls, Paul H. Harvey and Anna Marie Lyles -- 4 Heterozygosity and fitness in natural populations of animals / Fred W. Allendorf and Robb F. Leary -- 5 Heterozygosity, heterosis, and fitness in outbreeding plants / F. Thomas Ledig -- 6 Coadaptation and outbreeding depression / Alan R. Templeton -- Section II. Patterns of diversity and rarity: their implications of conservation -- 7 Diversity, rarity, and conservation in Mediterranean-climate regions / Martin L. Cody -- 8 Endemism in tropical versus temperate plant communities / Alwyn H. Gentry -- 9 Seven forms of rarity and their frequency in the flora of the British Isles / Deborah Rabinowitz, Sara Cairns and Theresa Dillon -- 10 Commonness and rarity in a neotropical forest: implications for tropical tree conservation / Stephen P. Hubbell and Robin B. Foster -- Section III. The effects of fragmentation -- 11 Habitat fragmentation in the temperate zone / David S. Wilcove, Charles H. McLellan and Andrew P. Dobson -- 12 Edge and other effects of isolation on Amazon forest / T.E. Lovejoy, R.O. Bierregaard, Jr., A.B. Rylands, J.R. Malcolm, C.E. Quintela, L.H. Harper, K.S. Brown, Jr., A.H. Powell, G.V.N. Powell, H.O.R. Schubart, and M.B. Hays -- 13 The eternal external threat / Daniel H. Janzen -- Section IV. Community processes -- 14 Community stability and structure / Stuart L. Pimm -- 15 Keystone plant resources in the tropical forest / John Terborgh -- 16 Disease and conservation / Andrew P. Dobson and Robert M. May -- Section V. Sensitive habitats: threats and management -- 17 Shallow tropical marine environments / Robert E. Johannes and B.G. Hatcher -- 18 Tropical continental aquatic habitats / Harald Sioli -- 19 Tropical deforestation and a mega-extinction spasm / Norman Myers -- 20 Local effects of tropical deforestation / Carl F. Jordan -- 21 Cave faunas / David C. Culver -- 22 Desertization in African arid lands / Henri Nöel le Houérou and Hubert Gillet -- Section VI. Interacting with the real world -- 23 Restoration, reclamation, and regeneration of degraded or destroyed ecosystems / John Cairns, Jr. -- 24 The design of a nature reserve system for Indonesian New Guinea / Jared Diamond -- 25 Intrinsic value: will the defenders of nature please rise? / Arne Naess.

0878937951 0878937943

Conservation biology
Conservation of natural resources
Biología de la conservación
Conservación de los recursos naturales




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