An introduction to statistical thermodynamics /

Hill, Terrell L.

An introduction to statistical thermodynamics / Terrell L. Hill. - First Edition - xiv, 508 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm. - Dover books on physics .

Originally published: Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, 1960. Originally published in series: Addison-Wesley series in chemistry. Includes index.

Includes bibliographical references.

Part I. Principles of Quantum Statistical Mechanics -- Chapter 1. Statistical-Mechanical Ensembles and Thermodynamics -- Chapter 2. Further Discussion of Ensembles and Thermodynamics --Part II. Systems Composed Of Independent Molecules or Subsystems and Indistinguishable Molecules or Subsystems -- Chapter 3. General Relations for Independent Distinguishable and Indistinguishable Molecules or Subsystems -- Chapter 4. Ideal Monatomic Gas -- Chapter 5. Monatomic Crystals -- Chapter 6. Classical Statistical Mechanics -- "Chapter 7. Introduction to Lattice Statistics: Adsorption, Binding, and Titration Problems" -- Chapter 8. Ideal Diatomic Gas -- Chapter 9. Ideal Polyatomic Gas --Chapter 10. Chemical Equilibrium in Ideal Gas Mixtures -- Chapter 11. The Rate of Chemical Reactions in Ideal Gas Mixtures -- Chapter 12. Ideal Gas in an Electric Field -- Chapter 13. Configuration of Polymer Molecules and Rubber Elasticity -- Part III. Systems of Interacting Molecules -- Chapter 14. Lattice Statistics -- Chapter 15. Imperfect Gases -- Chapter 16. Approximate Cell and Hole Theories of the Liquid State -- Chapter 17. Distribution Functions in Classical Monatomic Fluids -- Chapter 18. Dilute Electrolyte Solutions and Plasmas -- Chapter 19. Dilute Liquid Solutions -- Chapter 20. Theory of Concentrated Solutions -- Chapter 21. Polymer and Polyelectrolyte Solutions and Gels --Chapter 22. Quantum Statistics.

Although written on an introductory level, this wide-ranging text provides extensive coverage of topics of current interest in equilibrium statistical mechanics. Indeed, certain traditional topics are given somewhat condensed treatment to allow room for a survey of more recent advances.
The book is divided into four major sections. Part I deals with the principles of quantum statistical mechanics and includes discussions of energy levels, states and eigenfunctions, degeneracy and other topics. Part II examines systems composed of independent molecules or of other independent subsystems. Topics range from ideal monatomic gas and monatomic crystals to polyatomic gas and configuration of polymer molecules and rubber elasticity. An examination of systems of interacting molecules comprises the nine chapters in Part Ill, reviewing such subjects as lattice statistics, imperfect gases and dilute liquid solutions. Part IV covers quantum statistics and includes sections on Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics, photon gas and free-volume theories of quantum liquids.
Each chapter includes problems varying in difficulty — ranging from simple numerical exercises to small-scale "research" propositions. In addition, supplementary reading lists for each chapter invite students to pursue the subject at a more advanced level. Readers are assumed to have studied thermodynamics, calculus, elementary differential equations and elementary quantum mechanics.
Because of the flexibility of the chapter arrangements, this book especially lends itself to use in a one-or two-semester graduate course in chemistry, a one-semester senior or graduate course in physics or an introductory course in statistical mechanics.

9780486652429 0486652424 (pbk.)



QD501 / .H573 1986




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