The quantum theory of fields /

Weinberg, Steven, 1933-

The quantum theory of fields / Volume I, Volume II, Volume III, Foundations / Modern Applications / Supersymmetry / Steven Weinberg - Paperback edition first published 2005 - Volume I (xxvi, 609 pages), Volume II (xxi, 489 pages), Volume III (xxii, 419 pages) : illustrations ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliography.

Preface -- 1. Historical introduction -- 2. Relativistic quantum mechanics -- 3. Scattering theory -- 4. The cluster decomposition principle -- 5. Quantum fields and antiparticles -- 6. The Feynman rules -- 7. The canonical formalism -- 8. Electrodynamics -- 9. Path integral methods -- 10. Nonperturbative methods -- 11. One-loop radiative corrections in quantum electrodynamics -- 12. General renormalization theory -- 13. Infrared effects -- 14. Bound states in external fields. Preface to Volume II -- 15. Non-Abelian gauge theories -- 16. External field methods -- 17. Renormalization of gauge theories -- 18. Renormalization group methods -- 19. Spontaneously broken global symmetries -- 20. Operator product expansions -- 21. Spontaneous breaking of gauge symmetries -- 22. Anomalies -- 23. Extended field configurations. Preface to Volume III -- Notation -- 24. Historical introduction -- 25. Supersymmetry algebras -- 26. Supersymmetric field theories -- 27. Supersymmetric gauge theories -- 28. Supersymmetric versions of the standard model -- 29. Beyond perturbation theory -- 30. Supergraphs -- 31. Supergravity -- 32. Supersymmetry in higher dimensions.

Available for the first time in paperback, The Quantum Theory of Fields is a self-contained, comprehensive, and up-to-date introduction to quantum field theory from Nobel Laureate Steven Weinberg. The first volume introduces the foundations of quantum field theory, the second volume examines modern applications, and finally the third volume presents supersymmetry, an area of theoretical physics likely to be at the centre of progress in the physics of elementary particles and gravitation. The development is fresh and logical throughout, with each step carefully motivated by what has gone before. The presentation of modern mathematical methods is throughout interwoven with accounts of applications in both elementary particle and condensed matter physics. The three volumes contain much original material, and are peppered with examples and insights drawn from the author's experience as a leader of elementary particle research. Exercises are included at the end of each chapter.

9780521670531 (volumen I) 9780521550017 (volumen I) 9780521550024 (volumen II) 9780521670548 ((volumen II) 9780521660006 (volumen III) 9780521670555 (volumen III) 9780521670562 (obra completa) 9780521670555

Quantum field theory
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