Plant physiology /

Salisbury, Frank B.

Plant physiology / Frank B. Salisbury, Cleon W. Ross. - Fourth edition - xviii, 682 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 620-657) and indexes.

Plant Physiology and Plant Cells -- Diffusion, Thermodynamics and Water Potential -- Osmosis -- The Photosynthesis-Transpiration Compromise -- The Ascent of Sap -- Mineral Nutrition -- Absorption of Mineral Salts -- Transport in the Phloem -- Enzymes, Proteins and Amino Acids -- Photosynthesis: Chloroplasts and Light -- Carbon Dioxide Fixation and Carbohydrate Synthesis -- Photosynthesis: Environmental and Agricultural Aspects -- Respiration -- Assimilation of Nitrogen and Sulphur -- Lipids and other Natural Products. 16. Growth and Development -- Hormones and Growth Regulators: Auxins and Gibberellins -- Hormones and Growth Regulators: Cytokinins, Ethylene, Abscisic Acid and other Compounds -- The Power of Movement in Plants -- Photomorphogenesis -- The Biological Clock: Rhythms of Life -- Growth Responses to Temperature -- Photoperiodism -- Molecular Genetics and Plant Physiologist -- Topics in Environmental Physiology -- Stress Physiology.

The text provides a broad explanation of the physiology for plants (their functions) from seed germination to vegetative growth, maturation, and flowering. It presents principles and results of previous and ongoing research throughout the world.

0534151620 9780534151621


Plant physiology
Fisiología vegetal

QK711.2 / .S23 1992




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