A field guide to the families and genera of woody plants of northwest South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru), with supplementary notes on herbaceous taxa /

Gentry, Alwyn H.

A field guide to the families and genera of woody plants of northwest South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru), with supplementary notes on herbaceous taxa / Woody plants of northwest South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru), with supplementary notes on herbaceous taxa Alwyn H. Gentry ; illustrations by Rodolfo Vasquez. - University of Chicago Press edition - xxiii, 895 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.

Originally published: Washington, DC : Conservation International, 1993 (Conservation biology series ; contribution no. 1). "Published in association with Conservation International." Includes indexes.

Leaves opposite or whorled (and compound) -- Leaves alternate (and compound) -- Leaves simple and opposite (or whorled) -- Leaves simple and alternate -- Special habit lists and figures -- Ferns and gymnosperms -- Monocots -- Dicots.

Alwyn Gentry was one of the world's foremost experts on the biology of tropical plants. He was senior curator at the Missouri Botanical Garden, and was a member of Conservation International's interdisciplinary Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) team, which inventories the biodiversity of the most threatened tropical areas. From 1967 to 1993 he collected more than 80,000 plant specimens, many of them new to science.

0226289443 9780226289441


Woody plants--Identification.--Colombia
Plantas leñosas--Identificación--Colombia
Woody plants--Identification.--Ecuador
Plantas leñosas--Identificación--Ecuador
Woody plants--Identification.--Peru
Plantas leñosas--Identificación--Perú

QK241 / .G45 1996




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